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Latest Discussions in the Community
Posted ByQuestionCategoryReplies 
Denise M.
165394 xyz
Have you been ripped off by "Half.Com"
Anyone else get ripped off by "Half.Com, Inc.", i.e. they did not provide the product or refund your money?
Business2 Spam?
Ricky L.
161551 xyz
when is the expected delivery time or when will my order expected to be shipped...?
i recently placed an ordered on the 20th... and somehow i figured now... that two of the outfits are being taken off, before there was four... i do... Read More »
Business2 Spam?
ziyaad s.
160864 xyz
online scam?
has any one heard of a company called surprise shopping 188. it is online shopping. the products are electronics and motorcycles. how do i know if... Read More »
Business2 Spam?
yanina a.
155225 xyz
any experience with the company's claim that they remove fungus under nail with lazer treatment
Has anyone had any experience with Shiny Toes company. They advertise using laser to remove fungus under the nail. Thank you Yana
Services1 Spam?
Mari S.
153814 xyz
How to get my money back from Dinodirect
How to report or file a scam claim to BBB against dinodirect? I purchased a shoes from them $146.00 and I never received my order and I believe tha... Read More »
Scams6 Spam?
Lisa R.
144454 xyz
is providing us with authorized retailers and not fakes.
Hi,I was on the website looking for ugg boots and I know their a comparing prices website.what I wanted to know is the websites that bi... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
Ognyan K.
139751 xyz
this company is corect or not
I need information for Primetime Clothing.
Business1 Spam?
Julie F.
137436 xyz
Problems with imedmart?
Last evening, 11/5/10, I purchased online from This was the only online purchase I've made in the last couple of weeks. Today, 3 frau... Read More »
Business2 Spam?
137166 xyz
Rims 4 Less Las Vegas part of all these scams? Do they run under the same ownership?
OMG! I ordered some wheels from them but the location is out in Las Vegas. Does anyone know anything about this local company? Do they run under th... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
Charles L.
122744 xyz
How long do I wait to receive item I bought online?
I bought something online and I was told it was shipped out the next day via USPS from Tampa, Florida. One week later, I contacted an almost illite... Read More »
Products3 Spam?
Anne W.
92993 xyz
Online business
Anyone familiar with an online business in Grand Rapids, Mich? They sell Firepots & gel fuel. It's called Thank you,
Business3 Spam?
nkese i.
101035 xyz
enquiries about
hello please does anyone know the realiability or has anyone done business with this onlinestore they have a BBB realibility logo... Read More »
Business1 Spam?
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