John B.'s review of American Interbanc Mortgage, LLC

American Interbanc Mortgage, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/13/2011
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Excellent and recommended firm!
My wife and I recently refinanced with American Interbanc Mortgage. We are very happy with the terms they gave us, and with the service provided by their team. Bottom line: They gave us the deal they promised, and they successfully handled the fact that I had to go away for a week on business in the middle of the refinance process. After having heard horror stories about other lenders (many of them banks with recognized names), I was nervous about dealing with a company I had never heard of before. I did my research, though, and felt it was worth taking the chance if they gave us the terms they promised on their web site. I was wary of some of the tricks that some lenders play to get you to sign up on their terms. I found no such tricks with American Interbanc. I didn't have to pay to lock the loan, and the only financial commitment I made before closing was paying for the appraisal (which I would get to keep and possibly use if things didn't work out). They understood that I wanted to know exactly what was going on and they explained everything, and answered my questions.
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Irvine, CA 92614
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