john a.'s review of Barry Gueva Conner Private Landlord

Barry Gueva Conner Private Landlord

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/31/2018
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Barry Gueva Conner Private Landlord-Illegally Evicts, Padlocks Doors~Hendersonville NC
I subletted an apartment from Barry Gueva Conner. Do not under any circumstance get involved with this person or rent from/to him, stay with him, do business with him, work for him, employ him. I moved into his home, paid him every month on time then suddenly he got mad about something I said and threw me out with no explanation. Grabbed my stuff and started throwing it out the front door, grabbed my shirt and shoved me out and became so abusive and threatening that I was actually in fear for my life. He backed out of a business agreement we had, stole money from me, drove and wrecked my car driving drunk. His drug dealer would come to his home. He would often be drunk and/or high. Later, unbeknownst to me my ex rented property we have to him and he tore it up, did thousands in damages, later we found out while he was beating on his GF. While I lived at his place, he tried to gaslight me. He’s very controlling, made unwanted sexual advances, later(while throwing my stuff out the door) told me he gave me a marijuana psychotropic drug mix to see “how I would act” without my knowledge and it nearly gave me a heart attack, laughed and said there was nothing I could do. He admitted that while I was passed out he forced himself on me(rape). Threatened me and said if I told anyone he would have his mob/drug buddies that owed him a favor to take care of me and no one would ever find my body. Said they could hunt me down anywhere in the world. He will make threats, lie then hide behind alcohol which he did daily. He is very abusive. You do not want to be anywhere near Barry Gueva Conner Hendersonville North Carolina, USA…..This is the only reason I now feel safe in reporting him. Because I live in Fife Scotland. Beware, stay away.
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