albert t.'s review of EVO


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/25/2010
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Review 8/25/2010
This company is a fraud, they sold me a scooter that cant be registered in the state of california due to emissions/smog. They refuse to refund me my money saying the DMV and CHP dont know what they are doing and talking about. People research before you buy online,this compnay is selling grey market scooters from china. There emissions are not the same like in the states. Beware of this company. And they have not heard the last of me yet,i will keep you all posted.
Business's response - by RonyCon 10/25/2010
If we sold you a scooter that we say is legal in CA, then it is guaranteed to be legal in CA. We have dozens of case where customers got turned away by the DMV only because they do not know what they are doing; same goes for the CHP. All you need to do is forward us a copy of your rejection letter and we will call the dmv head office and take care of this problem. You can fax or email it. We have checked and there is an executive letter filed with CARB (Air Resource Board) for the model you purchased. This scooter is legal in CA; the CHP and / or DMV should contact CARB to verify this. We can fax or email you a copy of the letter if you would like.
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Hours   Los Angeles Mon-Thu 10a-5:30p, Fri 10a-2p, closed Sat Sun. Dallas M-F 9:30a-6p Phone   (866) 646-9696 Address   8306 Wilshire #1822
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