Review 5/4/2010
I am so mad at this company I can't even see strait. I was in a 6 month contract with them. I called to cancel on April 2nd. They told me it would be $30 to cancel as well as my last months fees. I have NEVER used this acct. I faxed in the letter as they requested. I just checked my bank account (30 days later) and they have charged me almost $50.00 in fees saying they never received my fax when I know they did. My fax machine would send me a report saying there was an error if it didn't go through. They lost the paperwork and now I have to pay for it. They will not reverse the charges. Now I have to resend the letter and I am out the $50.00 plus the $35.00 my bank is going to charge me for being in the negative. The customer service rep was completely unsympathetic and just said nothing they can do.