Never again!!
Impact sent me the wrong part. After contacting them, they were quick to take my money for a replacement part which was shipped quickly. After that is when the wheels fell off. I was promised RMA instructions the same day but did not receive them. When I followed up a week later, they said my email address was wrong. Funny, they had no problem sending me emails about the purchase of the replacement part. After contacting them again, they "corrected" my email, and they sent me an email with the RMA instructions and refund process for the first part sent. But, they did not want to refund the shipping cost of the wrong part they sent me. I contacted them and was told they would email me the same day with the correct refund amount. Once again, no email. 2 day later I contacted them again and after insisting I receive a full refund and shipping label to return the first, wrong, part they sent me I was told they would do so but would not do business with me again because I wanted to return and get a full refund for a part they sent me in error. Not that I would ever do business with me again, but now they don't want to do business with me because I was do not want to pay for the wrong part or shipping to return it?
As of now, I still have not received a shipping label and have grave doubts about how fast I will actually get my refund for the first part.
You would have to be desperate or crazy to ever do business with Impact Computer