Tired of being abused's review of NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

NetDragon Websoft, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 4/10/2008
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Review 4/10/2008
I think this game is fun in comparison to many online mmorpgs and will still be playing when you read this. For those who are smart enough to read the reviews and check the company on this website before buying Dragon Balls: If you do continue to play or wish to keep playing and investing money into gear, there are several things to be aware of. You can't kill a hacker because they are invicible or impervious. You can make a video using a gamecam or fraps software and turn botters and hackers into TQ, it does not mean that player will not just make new accounts and continue to cheat. TQ refuses to help players who do not buy more than 25 Dragon Ball codes. They are currently attempting to create a customer service department, many of their answers are still generic and as helpful as a Q&A database. Scammers sell accounts to steal gears, do not buy accounts. Scammers inflate the markets where players attempt to make money off the gears they are selling to make more money and deflate the market when it suits them and only them. In other words, if you don't like the prices of good gear wait three weeks. There are accusations and scandals that some employees of CO are also scammers and hackers. Do not give your password or account information to anyone, you will be giving them full access while making it absolutely impossible for TQ to help you as their terms of service state this activity is illegal and gives them a reason to not help you. The scammers know this. Bots are rampant and allow players to 'fish' or 'farm' items and quest material without actually playing. There are many websites dedicated to the hacking and use of bots. There are sites where you can download cheats at your own risk and there are others where you are asked to pay a monthly fee to participate. Never go to a web address you see or are given in game, these sites are fishing sites dedicated to stealing your information. AngelWingz, you are one of the biggest scammers in this game and are guilty of selling accounts and reclaiming them yourself as well as lying about it to make CO give you more. I have filed a request with the BBB to have your review removed with information detailing the reason you wrote this review.
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Hours   Phone   (909) 612-1681 Address   21660 Copely Drive, Suite 180
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Website   http://ir.netdragon.us/ Email   service@conqueronline.com
Contact   Ming Liu Other  
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