Elke L.'s review of Nexus Media Ventures LLC

Nexus Media Ventures LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/15/2011
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. 0
Review 5/15/2011
Alright, trying to write a review a second time and hoping they'll take it. Here is my sorry story. Bidsell.com popped into my e-mail and being curious I checked it out...read the entire site from bumper to bumper. Seemed okay so I purchased the smallest bid package and got down to business. I noticed right away that this site was not quite right. The screen would black out, freeze, wiggle, jiggle, just totally unreliable. I figured it would straighten itself out. Hah! I decided to bid on a $50.00+50 Bids Lowe's Card. After nearly 2 hours of bidding I actually won this card but the screen did a wiggle, jiggle up, down, hopping all over the page weird thing. I firmly believe I won this card totally by some freak quirk. Very strange. Next I chose a $200.00 American Express card and the bidding went on for 2-1/2 hours. This is insane. My eyes were watering from staring at the screen. Finally it got down to 1 second, I placed my bid, the auction ENDED and I thought, HURRAY! I quickly took a picture with my cell phone as I had with my first win. I was a little too quick with my "happy dance" as the auction re-activated and the 3rd person past myself actually won this auction. WHAT??? Here I had a picture with my username and ENDED and I didn't win??? Called customer services and explained what happened. They told me that it was due to others using their Bid-Buddies. Bull****. When an auction ends it ends. I'm not new at this, having been on Quibids since March. You can't set a Bid-O-Matic as Quibids calls their Bid-Buddy ahead...that would be major cheating. I was so agitated and rattled I fell for their "we are so sorry we'll give you 50 bids song." Idiot! You may guess the rest of the story...I continued to bid and lost the rest of my money. Throughout the time I was bidding on this site the screen never did straighten out. It continued to do what I mentioned above. Many times I would bet when the counter was on 1 and it either didn't recognize my bet at all as my name never showed up and other times there would be 1/2 a dozen names above mine at the 1 second count. Now, I ask you, how is that possible? I've never ever seen anything like it on Quibids. And I don't know how Bidsell does this? It can't be anything normal. After I lost my money I left, never to return other then to write this review. I may still write the BBB and Representatives of the state in which they are licensed. If they won't post this I'll know for certain they don't want negative publicity. If they are an honest business they won't mind being checked into. I agree with every one of you about this site...something is fishy. And I'm sorry you all lost your money. Except for one person who did receive the camera he was bidding on, (good for you) everyone got cheated big time. For those of you who do want to continue one cent auctions you can try the one I use and have mentioned. It's the same price and you will win. It's light years better than this site.
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