Ted K.'s review of eBridge Inc.

eBridge Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/14/2011
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This company called me within 1 hour of installing my new AT&T line in my office. They started out by claiming that they would be placing advertisements on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other prominent search engines, without any cost to me for the first month. It sounded too good to be true...and I'm sure it would have been. A quick read through the other reviews of this company quickly told me it was a scam. They will charge you around $100.00 per month, with or without your consent. The charge will show up through your AT&T bill. IF YOU GET THIS CALL, IMMEDIATELY DO THE FOLLOWING: 1) Find your AT&T (or other provider) account number. 2) Call your provider and get a representative on the phone. 3) Make sure to tell the representative that you WANT THE CALL TO BE RECORDED. 4) Have the representative "disable all 3rd party charges" on your account. Do all of this and you won't see any additional charges on your account. Its always better to not allow a charge to go through, then try to get it taken off once its already on your account. Also - always remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Business's response - on 12/15/2011
We understand that some people may not like telemarketing sales methods; however, we follow all federal and state laws and have a perfectly legitimate practice. Our clients are offered a 30-day trial period for them to see the benefits of our service for their business. Clients are under no contracts and may cancel at anytime. Any account canceled before their initial billing is not charged at all. We are upfront about our service and terms in all our communications. If a client chooses to continue service and does not cancel an account before the trial ending period, the account is automatically billed. We are surprised to hear that “Ted K.” would make the automatic assumption that this is a scam when this type of offer is a common sales tactic used across industries such as magazine subscriptions, television, and fitness gyms. We absolutely do not create accounts without consent. We enter into a good faith agreement with each of our clients, taking their word that they are authorized to make billing decisions on behalf of the business. Our protocol requires our agents to specifically state that automatic billing would begin after the initial 30 day evaluation, and in order for a sales call to pass our QA department, customers must clearly state that they understand these terms. As always, if you are a customer of ours who has a genuine issue with our service, we encourage you to contact us and allow us the opportunity to personally assist you. Our customer service department can always be reached toll free at 1.888.737.1000.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Monday thru Friday, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m., Pacific Standard Time Phone   (800) 945-2529 Address   16133 Ventura Blvd., Suite 855
Encino, CA 91436
Website   http://www.ebridgeadvertising.com Email   cave@ebridgeco.com
Contact   Mark Cave Other  
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